She Bop by Something Green
Something Green performs Cyndi Lauper’s “She Bop” at the Reality Institute on Westmoreland. Crystal uses EXTREME MTV filming techniques to GET UP IN THERRRRRRRRE!
Something Green performs Cyndi Lauper’s “She Bop” at the Reality Institute on Westmoreland. Crystal uses EXTREME MTV filming techniques to GET UP IN THERRRRRRRRE!
Ruby performs Minuet 2 by JS Bach Mike and Miguel’s Stand-up Routine and then I accidentally recorded over a girl named Crystal singing “Paparazzi” by Lady Gaga. amateur hour at the reaialfye instituepojh
Wet and Reckless perform “Shanty” at our apartment complex on Westmoreland. They performed other things that we recorded, but then I accidentally recorded over them…
Emily Appenzeller aka Ramona Rae aka Blue Ray aka Fire Cracker plays “oh baby oh” at the Westmoreland Department of Music Development.
Emperor X out of the blue!!!!!!!! at the complex’s request, Emperor X pulls Hotel California out of our collective asses:
Johnny Willson plays “A Woman Like You” at the Westmoreland House Party.
A Stranger Lurks in the Shadows…
My good pal Justin is designing video games! This one is called Bit Flip and it’s for the iPhone. Here’s a gameplay video and interview about it. Also a link for it on iTunes. It’s awesome!
Emmi Chen’s new band Ornery Little Darlings has submitted this awesome video to a contest so leave lots of comments on it and rate it 5 stars and favorite it forever amen.