Red Hot Air Balloon
I want Vero to sing this song. Red Hot Air Balloon
I want Vero to sing this song. Red Hot Air Balloon
This is a Patti Smith cover. Copyright infringement (keep your fingers crossed!) Redondo Beach
Crazy Without You
Baby, You’re Giving Me SIDS!
To Propose (the future) “This is a version of a duet that I’m going to do when I find a girl who doesn’t throw up at the thought of singing with me,” said Mike, “(unintelligible sobbing).”
Dash My Brains Out Before You Go Kinda like The Misfits.
What all lonely mariners think about at one time or another: having sex with a fish. Mariner’s Blues
One time, Mike thought that this song was about being cold. Another time about robots. Tierra Del Fuego
This was written by mike! who was delivering a letter to Fiona Apple for his internship at 826LA and he couldn’t help but pretend that he was Paul McCartney writing a letter to Ms. Fiona Apple. Dear Fiona, It’s Me, Paul McCartney