You Never Know by Pezzettino
“You Never Know” by Pezzettino, Margey Stutt, from the album Because I Have No Control. She should be playing Friday 13th, 2009 at the Reality Institute Lounge and Giant Toilet around 10/10:30pm.
“You Never Know” by Pezzettino, Margey Stutt, from the album Because I Have No Control. She should be playing Friday 13th, 2009 at the Reality Institute Lounge and Giant Toilet around 10/10:30pm.
Pezzettino, akkkkka Margaret Stutt, came all the way down from Milwaukee, WI to Oak Park, IL to play at the Buzz Cafe as a shining moment in Reality Institute history. Blessed be the child who knoweth the music of gods. Gather ye rosebods while ye may. More footage of the show at
Margey Stutt aka “Pezzettino” at 91.7 WMSE, a Millwalky radio station kickin ass. more videos and her myspace. me, marty, pat, and margaret are playing a show at the buzzcafe dec. 26th from 6-8:30 pm. beeth air.
This is “Meet Me Anywhere” by Margaret “Pezzettino” Stutt. 05-meet-me-anywhere Interestingly enough, when her family came to Ellis Island, they were going to be given the last name Stuttson (changed from Stüttensbürgen) but the immigrations officer couldn’t get the name out, due to his terrible stutter. It sounded like this, “I now declare you Stutt-stutt-stttttututtttttttt…” […]