The universe is an endless canvas of things and those things blend seamlessly into one another, making it difficult to differentiate them. Almost serendipitously, perception makes it possible to call out what appear to be sensory borders between the elements of the larger canvass in such a way that we may label them, categorize them and refer to them in speech.
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Living in the era of the reboot, it’s difficult not to be jaded by every revival that Hollywood throws up onto the silver screen, all over the boob tube, or into the internet. These efforts more often resemble a Pet Cemetery-style resurrection-for-profit than a genuine intent to extend the life of a piece of art, […]
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Um. Uh. (Sigh) (Lip smack) (Pause) I think what—uh—we say is that—uh—at this meeting we were able to—uh—make significant progress with Saudi and GCC partners ins—uh—both making a strong statement against extremism and also—um—and also putting—e ah eh—putting in place certain measures through this GCC mechanism where we can combat extremism. Clearly one source of […]
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Things do change, however. Cats can seem like ideal company at times, but their status as the paragon of pets cannot be established until they’ve been compared with other animals. The most obvious other contender for best pet is, of course, the dog. In fact, the oldest record of the practice of dog ownership dates much farther back than cat domestication to over twelve thousand years ago.
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This collection will begin with a discussion of cats. One might ask, “why begin with cats?” I thought I’d begin with something relatively simple that almost anyone could relate to. Though you may not personally have an opinion about cats, you will probably be able to relate to the topic and may even be able […]
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Why-to why-to: Life is the strangest thing around. When you’re born, you wake up in a world already at work – dropped onto a treadmill in motion. You learn how to carry out all sorts of tasks and develop all sorts of skills, but the reasons for learning those things are often lost in the […]
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Below is a public service announcement in the form of a why-to, first delivered to an audience of artists and writers at the Concord art space in Los Angeles. Following the PSA is the text of the speech so that you can read along at home: Hi, I’m Michael Molitch-Hou, from The Reality™ Institute, a […]
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The question of why we exist is that the heart of all things. The most efficient, if not convenient, answer may be that we are because we are. The next question we should ask is how we got here. One possible answer is closely related to a tech ecosystem called “mixed reality”, made up of […]
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As much as we might miss our favorite shows, when they’re resurrected twenty years later, they often come back as zombies with a radical right-wing agenda. Read my take on The X-Files reboot on Motherboard.
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Reality™ products may not find the widespread distribution that they deserve, leaving most folks floating in a meaningless void of consumer goods and toxic waste. Fortunately for Southern Oregon, there’s a new photographer in town, whose photos are 100% real™. If you don’t believe me, see for yourself! Danielle Matich has brought Volim Photography from […]
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